Superfoods to boost your immunity system

Our body is our temple and we should worship it like a god. The immunity system is like the armor of our body and we should take care of it as our No.1 priority. The immunity system helps to fight infections and diseases our body might catch up on. Superfoods are foods that have beneficial effects on health and the body. Providing our body with superfoods regularly can help build our immunity system more robust. Let us go to the 15 superfoods list you should start including in your diet.


Kiwis are a great source of Vitamin C and are packed with antioxidants. Vitamin C helps fight diseases and protects our body from any possible infections. Vitamin C is not only good for your body but is also good for your skin. Antioxidants present in the fruit protect our body from any free radicals and toxins.


Almonds are a great source of healthy fats and protein. Vitamin E found in almonds helps fight bacteria and boosts our immunity system. It is wise to have at least 8-9 almonds daily. Almonds can also be a great alternative for a healthy snack.


Orange, a citrus food is packed with Vitamin C and helps keep our body healthy. The fiber in oranges can help prevent any cardiovascular diseases. Like Kiwi, Oranges are also beneficial for your skin because of its Vitamin C properties.


In ayurvedic culture, ginger is commonly known as a healing plant. Ginger fights any toxins present in our body and cleanses our body overall. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is also a good source of antioxidants.


Another great source of antioxidants is Broccoli. Reducing inflammation, boosting immunity, and reducing the chances of heart disease can be settled by eating broccoli.

Flax seeds

The high fiber content and a good amount of protein can be found in flax seeds. Omega-3 fat which is also known as healthy fat can be derived from flax seeds. Flax seeds also help to improve digestion and reduce the risk of heart disease.


Turmeric is one of the best superfoods. Improving digestion, controlling cholesterol, and treating skin diseases, this superfood has many benefits. Ayurvedic culture enhances having warm milk and turmeric before going to bed to help boost and improve our immunity


Honey contains many vitamins such as A, C, D, E, and B-complex vitamins. It is also packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Similar to turmeric, honey also has healing properties. It can be a great alternative to processed sugar. Warm water and honey early in the morning on empty stomach help cleanses our body and make it ready for the day.


Amla helps get rid of any constipation or digestive issue. Another food that is a great source of Vitamin C and antioxidants. Amla regulates blood circulation in our body and can also help to reduce hair fall.

Green tea

Green tea, wholesale, has calming and soothing properties. It helps repair any cell damage and the attack of free radicals. Green tea’s anti-inflammatory properties also help to take care of any inflammation.


Garlic has anti-viral properties. It helps fight the body with any attack of bacteria, viruses , or parasites. According to studies, raw garlic has a component called Allicin, which helps to take care of any cholesterol problems.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts, the hero ingredient is selenium. Selenium is an important regulator for boosting the immunity system. Including brazil nuts in your diet will also improve gut health and control cholesterol levels.


Yogurt contains probiotics which help keep our gut healthy. A healthy gut is equivalent to a healthy body. Yogurt is also a good source of protein and helps with digestive issues as well.

Leafy greens

Dark green leafy vegetables contain many vitamins such as A, C, and K. They are also power packed with many nutrients.   


As long as I can remember, whenever I got sick, the one fruit that has helped me to get over sickness is Apples. They are such good staple food when you catch the flu or any virus. ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away. There is some truth to the saying. They are a rich source of antioxidants and also like other superfoods have anti-inflammatory properties.

Hope this post helps!

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