7 Relationship mistakes to avoid

Love is a beautiful aspect of our life. We all crave love. To give love and be in love is a beautiful feeling. It feels great to have someone who can take care of you, be there for you, and go through all the ups and downs of life with you. A relationship may seem easy and lovable at the start, but maintaining your relationship is a hassle. This is where your love and patience get tested. Through constant fights, bickering, and endless crying your relationship can turn into a nightmare. Don’t worry! Let me help you with these obvious relationship mistakes to avoid

Your partner cannot read your mind

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Humans are not so evolved that they can read minds. Do not expect your partner to read your mind and understand what’s going on with you. Without communicating your needs, your partner will never understand what you want. Make them recognize your feelings through good and conscious choice of words, instead of blaming or calling them out.

Not communicating enough

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In this hustle culture, we get so involved in work, we forget that the other person exists. Out of sight! Out of mind! Communication is the basis of any relationship. Many relationships fail due to a lack of communication with their partner. A simple text message a day or a 2 min call to your loved one can make their day. Makes them feel they are prioritized and you thought of them. Communication helps to be in touch with your partner. Sharing with them how your day went or how you are feeling makes them feel they are a part of our life. This is one of the relationship mistake you should avoid.

Too much expectations

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We only expect from those people who we love and care about. We do not set expectations from strangers. But too many expectations can ruin your relationship. Your partner is a human being and no human being is perfect. Everybody has flaws. If your partner has hurt you in some way, communicate for feelings to your partner. Being nonverbal about it will only grow resentment between you too and create cracks in your relationship. The truth is we expect our partner to love us in a way that we want, we have to communicate and make them understand your love language

Bringing up their past in a relationship

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Everybody has a past associated with them. Past relationships or trauma they have faced. Leading your conversations about their past or digging stuff from their past is only going to initiate more fights. This is the most common relationship mistakes couples make. Live in the present. Focus on building a future together where you both are happy. It is only going to make you more desirable.

Reacting instead of understanding

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The fact is, it’s just the two of you. You both vs the problem. Reacting harshly without understanding where your partner is expressing from is not going to conclude the fight. It will only make things worse. You have to keep a cool head while communicating your indifference and be considerate about the other person’s feelings as well as your emotions. Be calm and composed. The more you have heated arguments, the more it is going to tear apart your relationship.This is one of relationship mistakes that most couples make

Not being yourself in a relationship

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You do only injustice and disrespect yourself by projecting being someone else just that they will like you. The most important thing to remember in a relationship is, this is your life, and they are just a part of it. No matter what the books or movies say or romanticize relationships, they cannot be your whole life. In the end, you are the main character of your life, and let them love you for being you. This will only build trust and respect in your relationship.

Prioritizing them above you

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You have to check in with yourself from time to time. Taking care of your physical and mental health has taken precedence above anything else. Do not put aside what you already planned for them. Of course, when they are in need, you have to analyze the situation and be for them. In such scenarios, effective communication is the thread that binds the relationship. Prioritizing them above yourself is one mistake to avoid in a relationship. It will make the relationship all about them and not you. This will put them on a pedestal where the relationship is not equal. When you love yourself, you can give love to your partner as well.

Hope this post helps!

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