Wisdom Corner

  • What does the book Women Who Think Too Much talk about?

    Ladies, have you ever found yourself lost in the labyrinth of your thoughts? Do you sometimes feel like your mind is an intricate web of emotions, worries, and ponderings? If these questions resonate with you, then you’re not alone. In the captivating world of literature, there’s a gem that speaks directly to the hearts and…

  • Lessons from the book Think Straight

    In a world where distractions and never-ending noise are the norm, it can be incredibly tough to think clearly and make good decisions. However, Darius Foroux, the author of Think Straight, offers readers a practical guide to help them navigate the complexities of life and thought. This book is a valuable source of wisdom, providing…

  • Can being delusional help in Manifestation?

    Manifestation, the process of bringing our desires into reality through focused thoughts and beliefs, has gained significant popularity in recent years. People have been exploring various techniques and philosophies to enhance their manifestation abilities, and one controversial notion that occasionally arises is the potential connection between being delusional and successful manifestation. Delusion, typically viewed as…


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  1. Its really nice 😊 and positive vibes for self. I like mythology some of related i have already read but…