
Sudha Murthy is impactful yet simple. She brings relatable stories to people from all walks of life. Click to read the books of Sudha Murthy that one should definitely read.

Ikigai book gained popularity and became an international bestseller because of its Japanese secrets, tips, and tricks to live a long and happy life. The writers of this book-Hector Carcia and Francesc Miralles visited the island of Okinawa. The lifestyle of the people of Okinawa serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to live a long and healthy life.

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Ava Chen is a part-time photographer and final year college student with the other girls. Bridget is a princess from Eldora, a royal by blood. Jules is pursuing her career as a lawyer and Stella is a fashion blogger. All four books an engaging reads and the stories touch on many unlaminated topics such as panic attacks, anxiety, abusive childhood, and many more.

To study and to know more about India, and her history, what better source is than books? Indian Independence, various civilizations that took place on her land, and different emperor periods. Let us look at some of the best books you can read on Indian History.

Naval Ravikant is a co-founder and chairman and former CEO of AngelList. He is an angel investor in Uber, Twitter, yammer, and many more companies. This book is a top-selling and highly recommended book on wealth and happiness. So here are 10 Lessons From the book The Almanack of Naval Ravikant on wealth. The texts highlighted in bold are from the book.

10 Lessons From the Book

The writer has used simple language to diffuse 21 ways to stop procrastination. The title of the book symbolically suggests tackling the hardest task of your day first in the morning and then leading your day. So, if you are someone who is struggling with time, procrastination or motivation then this book can be your guide to overcome those. Let’s look at 10 lessons from the book. The texts highlighted in bold are quotes from the book.

Master your mind in 2023 with these books

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One of the great and productive habits to cultivate is reading. It reduces stress and improves your vocabulary. Reading and Meditating are like exercises for the brain.So let’s look into some of the best books to read if you are a beginner and want to cultivate the habit of reading in 2023

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Struggling to have positive change in your life and improve your habits.These are the books you should start reading now.These will definitely help you to have positive impact in your life

Self-love is the act of accepting and loving yourself during difficult moments and cultivating kindness and nurturing well-being and respect for yourself over some time. Here are 5 self-love activities or habits you can practice in your life.

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Who does not love Money!We often find ourselves on google ‘How to make money’or ‘How to have passive income.But lets understand the psychology of money which will help to understand how money works.Here are18 lessons from the popular money book-The Psychologoy of Money by Morgan Housel

Almost Adulting by Arden Rose Book review

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Get that Job or position you exactly want

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Wisdom Corner