Life Lessons from the Do Epic Shit book

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Ankur Wairkoo is one of the top content creators, YouTubers, and entrepreneurs of the social media age. His motivational and financial content is hugely popular like his books-Do Epic Shit and Get Epic Shit Done. In his first book, Do Epic shit he provides his wisdom and knowledge surrounding 6 areas of his life. Success, Habits, Awareness, Entrepreneurship, Money, and Relationships. If you are someone who is a beginner and wants to cultivate the habit of reading, Do Epic Shit is the book for you.

Consistency is the key to achieving what you want. Everybody has the same 24 hrs but not everybody utilizes most of their time. Being persistent with your actions and habits even if you feel it is contributing nothing to your success and your progress but keep doing it is discipline.

A mentor whom you can look up to for expert advice. It must not necessarily be an old person, it can be a YouTuber, an author, or an entrepreneur whose wisdom you like. You can have multiple mentors for different aspects of life. Thanks to social media, guidance from trained and experienced people are easily available. Make the most use of it.

Our daily habits cultivate the thoughts we think which are directly proportional to the person we become. If one is meditating daily or working on improving themselves, the chances of them bursting out with anger in an awful situation is low. Whereas the person who binge-watches negative content and is not contributing anything to his/her physical and mental wealth is likely to have more problems to tackle. Set targets but work on your habits to achieve that targets.

When certain or unwanted situations occur, the first thought that comes to our mind is what will people think. Instead of analyzing what we desire or what we want or how to handle a situation, unconsciously our actions are driven by the fear that society must not judge us. Break off this train of thought and consciously think about what you want.

Social Media has made it easy to compare ourselves to others. Everybody has their own path and comparing ourselves to other just makes us feel more insecure. Stay focused on your journey and your learnings to get what you want from your life.

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Have you ever noticed there is always one person who is just confident by themselves even though he/she may possess a little knowledge or have less experience? Having the right attitude and being optimistic and eager to learn new things will take you a step ahead of others

Having an entrepreneurial mindset is not about thinking about your job 24*7 but possessing problem-solving skills. It can be in your current job role or asking for work beyond your job description. The one who goes out of their way and thinks out of the box is a true entrepreneur.

Money mistakes to avoid

Texts in bold are from the book

  • Taking too many loans
  • Not valuing your time.
  • Comparing your money to others
  • Investing late
  • Renting your time and not owning any assets.
  • We all accept the love we think we deserve

Subconsciously we are wired to accept the love we think we deserve. The ones who know they are worthy of love are loved by everyone else whereas the person who thinks he/she is always unloved or not treated better will always struggle with finding love. Working on ourselves and finding true self-worth and self-love is the first step to finding true love.

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