How to stop being insecure

The beautiful part of being a human is feeling good and bad emotions and expressing them.Insecurity arises from experiences of not being good enough or having doubts about yourself. Being socially judged, not achieving certain results, comparing yourself to others in real life or on social media, and facing body weight issues or certain skin problems are some of the experiences which trigger insecurity. These experiences may be past experiences or new ones which create a lack of self-esteem and low confidence and sometimes overcoming these feelings and these emotions can be a bit difficult. Here are some tips that can help you stop being insecure and train your mind to get out of this emotion.

Know your insecurities

Observing your triggers and consciously analyzing the source of your insecurity may help you to realize the root cause of your feeling. If a certain past experience triggered your insecurity feeling, your job is to know if it is an experienced wound or a current one. Start asking questions to yourself. Why am I feeling this certain way? Does it matter in the bigger picture? What is the source of this feeling? This will help you to analyze the origin of your insecurity, will help you to know your triggers better, and be prepared for future experiences.

Change your view to stop being insecure

If a certain experience makes you feel insecure, journal your thoughts and look for the good. See the situation as a stepping stone to learning and working on yourself. Stop seeing yourself as a victim and use your insecurity as fuel to work upon your vulnerabilities and grow yourself. Stop being harsh on yourself and feeling like something is wrong with you. You have to keep in mind, every human being experience this feeling and has insecurities about one thing or another. But using your insecurity for your growth will make you stand out from the rest of others.

Reprogram your mind with positive thoughts

Affirmations and repetitions are the best way to change a scenario or experience. Brainwash your brain and stop thinking repeatedly the same scenario in your mind. Rewrite new beliefs based on your insecurities and rewire your brain to overcome your insecurity. Practice gratitude daily and be grateful for the things you have or look back at your achievements. This is the best way to trick your mind into thinking more positive thoughts throughout the day. This will feel a bit difficult at first but once you start to change your thought patterns whenever you feel insecure gradually you will stop being insecure and feel empowered.

Stop comparing

Insecurity may arise from constantly comparing yourself to other or other people’s success or their stories. It is not a competition. Everyone has their own journey. Each person has their own experiences. There is no such thing as an equal comparison. One’s people’s success is not your failure. Everyone has their own timelines and everyone has their own demons to deal with.

Stay conscious

We are our own biggest critics. Catch yourself from falling into a negative loophole. Be in control of your mind. Take the power back to you. Being aware of your thoughts and being in the present moment and not in your head. Observe, Pause, and let go of the thoughts which not benefit you or are not good for your growth. Practicing daily meditation can be really beneficial for staying conscious and really living in the moment.

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