How to Live a minimalist life

In this fast pacing world, life can get overwhelming and pass along swiftly. Everyone nowadays is in this rat race to become successful and make a name for themselves. Hence, people forget to live their lives to the fullest and spend this precious gift called Life, worrying about unwanted or stupid things. A minimalist Lifestyle is a clear, uncluttered, and organized lifestyle.

Engaging your time and attention on things that matter to you the most and possessing a fewer desires. Following a minimalist lifestyle, at first will be difficult, but eventually in the long run will give you a sense of accomplishment and contentment

Organize everything

‘A place for everything and everything in its place’ The key to making everything simple and easy to do is organization. Get out of your rut and start making a place for everything in your life. To optimize the use of your time, money, or everything, plan how you are going to spend it. It reduces last-minute stress and anxiety and increases productivity and keeps procrastination at bay. Organizing helps you to be on track and on top of things and easily accessible to things that are needed the most during crucial times.

Declutter your home for your minimalist life

Throw unwanted, unnecessary objects out of your home. Things that no longer serve the purpose or has been expired should be moved to the bin. A decluttered home or space radiates positive and motivational vibes to work on and represents a clear set of minds. Donate clothes you never wear. Trash those items which are no longer. Use the 90/90 rule of minimalism. It conditions that, have you used this item in 90 days. Are you going to use this thing in the next 90 days? If not, then its new place is the trash can.

Less social media

Social Media is a both boon and a blessing for our generation. Suddenly our lives have been dictated by our phones. Decluttering your mind and sweeping away your precious time from social media is the next step to your minimalist life. The world where we are constantly comparing ourselves and our life with others, with the help of a 5-inch screen is utterly disappointing and dispiriting. Anxiety and stress are one of the major drawbacks of being on social media. Train yourself to minimize your social media time without being dependent on these small dosages of dopamine

Quality over Quantity

Start analyzing your life with help of this phrase. Quality over Quantity always. Whether it may be the food you consume, the clothes you own, or the time you spend with your loved ones. Good quality talks, best quality clothes over 10 hrs of bickering fights, and dozen cheap clothes. It makes your life easier, better, and more meaningful. In your day-to-day decision-making tasks, make sure you choose the former.

Audit your life

It is grateful that we are living in a world now we are acknowledging the fact that the best way to live and love your life, starts with getting yourself to know and love better. You only have yourself throughout your life. Get to know yourself better, know what you like and dislike and evaluate your insights. Take control of your life and do not let outside expressions influence you. Stop living your life from day to day and start living from moment to moment. Certainly, there will be times when you will fail or get back down, but remember your purpose, why you started doing this, and what it is you are trying to declutter out of your life.

Bye to illogical expenditure in your minimalist life

It does not make sense when you go and buy 2 pairs of socks when you already have dozens of them. Living with less and saving your money for emergencies and the future is the way to a minimalist life. Be certain about what is essential for your living and what is an illogical expense.

Following a routine for a minimalist life

Set up a routine for everything. Find patterns on what you like most and how you like to do things and set up an organized routine. Whether it may be a morning routine, nighttime routine your work routine anything. Choose mindfully your actions and rituals . Incorporate productive and healthy habits in your routine and cut down on those which bring you negativity and stress

Hope this post helps to live and lead a successful minimalist life

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