How to stick with your New Year Resolutions

The new year is the epitome of new hopes and new opportunities to welcome into our life. It’s the beginning of a new chapter, new lessons, and to capture new moments. New Year Resolutions are a chance we give ourselves to be a better version of ourselves and improve the qualities and habits that we dislike

To travel more, to save money better, get healthier and fit, or to spend time with our loved ones more. But after a certain while, it becomes hard to be on track with your new year resolution. We all want a happy and successful output but dislike the path that it leads to. It becomes difficult to be consistent and perform the activity and eventually, we let go of the desired resolution and become laid back or cannot allocate the time or be impatient.

This year, let us look at some of the techniques you can use to keep up with your New Year’s Resolutions.

Set Practical Goal

Analyze your potential, growth, and commitment while setting your goal. Your goal should align with the envision that you will be able to achieve and complete it. To stay motivated, you have to consider your goal is in tune with your day-to-day life. You setting up expectations to start a successful business with no practical experience, learning, or resource is being ignorant and doltish. The specific ‘SMART’ approach used by many leading companies ensures that their companies’ objectives are met. SMART being-Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals. Organizing and preparing earlier in advance will put you ahead in your own game and assist you to be on track with your new year resolutions.

Split your new year resolutions into small goals

One of the best methods, that tech companies use to work is the Agile methodology. The key aspect of this method is to release their product in small iterative phases. Similarly breaking down your goal or resolution into small parts with a realistic deadline and maintaining consistency can give you the desired output and aid you in be on track. It will keep you motivated enough to chase the small goal that is set. If you are trying to lose 10kgs of weight, first focus on losing 2kgs and so on in the coming weeks. If your resolution is to start reading books, do not overwhelm yourself by aiming to finish half a book a day, pivot to finishing 20-30 pages a day.

Being incremental and following uniformity will succor you achieve your expected results one day.

Make it fun and interesting

It is not necessary to follow a specific diet or sticking to a routine, should be unerring. It is your life and your new year resolution, modify or change it according to your wish as long as your stick to your goal. Rather than going along with the same mundane routine, be witty. Experimenting is always fun and innovating different ways or methods to achieve your goal would make it more interesting to achieve your goal and stick to it.

Track your Achievements this year

Check-in with your progress from time to time. You can download a dedicated app or write down your achievements. It makes you realize how far you have come and gives you a sense of accomplishment. continuous progress and small wins, in the long run, will give you a helicopter view of your results and your accomplishments.

Practice daily pep talk

In this social media age, it is easy to get disappointed and sad by seeing people achieve their dreams. You feel disconnected from your goals and lose all interest to do anything. Modify your jealousy into encouragement and give yourself a pep talk if he/she can do it, achieve it, even I can! Daily self-talk changes your beliefs about yourself and helps you to switch from an unmotivated, dull to an enthusiastic and active person. Create a picture of how your ideal self looks like when you achieve your goal and daily visualize yourself attaining and practicing your new year resolution.

Retrospect your failures.

Failures give the best lessons. Instead of mooning over your failure, inspect what is the source of your trigger. Which incident or which situation leads you to the road that is stopping you from achieving your goal? Stay away or build yourself to remain strong in such situations and believe in yourself. Fail as many as time you can but always rise a bit stronger.

It is very easy to give up than to stick to it. Ultimately you have to choose which path you want for yourself. Do you wish to spend this new year chained to your addictive solace or do you wish to get out of your comfort zone and give your best? Hope this post helps you to stay on track with your new year resolutions and achieve what you wish for.

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