How to ace your 20’s

how to ace your 20’s

The earlier we accept the fact that our life is a series of ups and downs, the easier it becomes to tackle the difficult situation. Our lives, majorly involve four phases-childhood, teenage, adult, and old age. Childhood and teenage are mostly fostered by our parents and only some of us get to old age the rest of us have our children’s shoulders to lead our remaining lives. It is adulthood, the trickiest, most difficult, and most exhilarating part of our life. I am not going to give you false hopes and make you believe that this article will solve all your problems or lead a problem-free life. But surely these tips will make your 20s easy and less stress-free and will help you enjoy your life to the fullest

1. Plan your finances

Planning your finances and investments in your early 20s is the best you can do for your future. It does not matter how much money you are making. If you are not contributing even 1% of your earnings for future emergencies or long-term savings you need to evaluate your spending. Unconsciously spending on unnecessary things will make you broke and unsatisfied with your earnings regardless of how much money you make. While shopping next time, ask yourself,” Do I really need it?” Will it contribute something if I buy it? To control your finances is to cut down on unnecessary spendings

2. Prioritize your mental health in your 20’s

Taking charge of their mental health and can openly talk about their past experiences.20’s are already stressful times. We stress about our future, cringe over our past mistakes, and always worry about what’s going to happen next. In the midst of all this self-infused drama, we tend to forget to live our lives. Take time for yourself. Train your brain to be your best friend not your enemy. Start meditating and take charge of your thoughts and your mental health

3.Heal your childhood trauma

All of us have at some point in time may have experienced some sort of trauma in one form or another. Hence some of us have traits that reflect under-confidence, insecurity, and deep-rooted fears regarding certain circumstances. These go back to our childhood rewiring and how we have been brought up. Know yourself and work upon yourself to heal yourself. Start taking professional help or therapy. Let go of your past experiences and be brave enough to overcome them.

4. Enjoy your alone time

The strongest of a person is someone who enjoys his own company. The more you spend time with yourself,doing things you like or inculcating your favourite hobby,the more confident and approachable you will become. We came alone in this world and we will die alone.

5. Travel as much as possible

We have this one life and we have been given this gift of life.To travel and experience the nature and other cultures co existing in this one planet is exhilariting.Travel is also one of best therapy.It completes changes you as a person and you get see new things and views.The joy of seeing the wonders of our mother nature relieves you of your stress and unwanted thouhgts.It boosts happy harmones and improves your social skills.

6. Gain new skills

One of the cons of aging is ,as you age, your learning and coherent parts of your brain becomes slow.20’s is the great time to learn and conquer new skills and techniques. It is also the time you are most active and able to pick up new things easily.REad books,take online classes,participate regulary

7. Stop putting people on a pedestal in your 20’s

Half of our decisions in life is based on how people might think.Burst out that bubble that people care about you.No!everyone is probably living their own life and fighting their own battles.Stop putting people above you and your desires.Develop a strong sense of self love and be your own source of happiness.Be fearless and confident in your decisions and actions.Remember,this is your own one life!

8. Take accountability of your own actions.

Set your pride aside and accept the fact that the position you are in is because of your own set of actions.Be responsible of your own time.Your future is dependent on your present decisions.Spend time wisely and choose decisions shrewdly.

9. Proportionate Eating in your 20’s

Eating healthy or maintaining a healthy diet are essential for long and happy life. But common, it’s one life and we cannot ignore eating everything we like. Proportionate eating, being conscious of your meal size or mindful eating can be your thing. Instead of gulping down on 5 ladoos a day, try having one. It’s okay to cheat once in a while with your guilt food but also make sure you intake your greens. It’s all about balance!

10. Sweat in your 20’s

Regularly working out will help to maintain good physical health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Better sleep cycle and high level of energy during the day are some of the benefits from moving your body daily. As long as you are moving your body in form of exercise or another, the less are the chances of you falling ill or sick.

Hope this post helps!

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