How to Wake up early

Many people struggle with waking up early in the morning due to various reasons. It can be challenging to adjust our sleep schedules and establish a consistent routine that allows for an early start to the day. Do you also find it difficult to wake up early in the morning? Well let me give you some tips and tricks to wake up early in the morning

Plan out your day in advance

Before you go to bed, make a list of your plans for the next day. In this manner, you’re subconsciously preparing your mind for all the things you’ll have to complete when you wake up the next day. Writing down everything you have to do tomorrow also helps you stay on top of your game. Furthermore, preparing your day ahead of time allows you to prioritize tasks and allot time accordingly, ensuring that you make the best use of your time. It also aids in stress reduction and productivity by offering a clear roadmap for the day ahead.

Have a light meal before bedtime.

Eating larger meals before bedtime signals to your body that you are ready to take on extra responsibilities. A light meal before night assists your body in preparing for sleep. It also improves digestion and maintains blood pressure stability. This can improve your sleep by preventing discomfort or indigestion. A smaller meal at night also helps to manage your blood sugar levels, which might help you sleep better.

Reduce your screen time in the evening

Unwind yourself from the outside world. Sleep away from all the distractions. Our habit of constantly checking our phone every 2 mins indicates our body we are not ready to sleep. Also, the urge to get out of your bed to switch off the alarm will help you to wake up in the morning

Have a dedicated morning routine

Everything we do has become a habit. We live in routines when we instill habits in our lives. Create a morning habit for yourself. Do things you’d like to do in the morning. A morning habit, whether it be reading a good book, drawing, or running, allows us to begin our day with focus and purpose. It can make us feel more productive and grounded, thereby setting the tone for the remainder of the day. We may build a sense of contentment and satisfaction in our mornings by including activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, thereby improving our general well-being.


 Keep your phone away while you sleep

Remove yourself from the outside world. Sleep away from any disturbances. Our habit of constantly checking our phones every 2 minutes communicates to our bodies that we are not ready to sleep. Also, the desire to get out of bed to turn off the alarm will assist you wake up in the morning.

Sleep at least 8hrs

Going to bed early will naturally make our body wake up early. Our human body is designed to sleep at least 7-8 hours daily. You sleep late, you will wake up late and the cycle continues This cycle can disrupt our natural circadian rhythm, leading to feelings of grogginess and fatigue throughout the day. Consistently getting enough sleep and maintaining a regular sleep schedule can help improve overall health and well-being.

Have a slow evening

Disconnect from the outer world. Turn on your favorite music, cook for yourself, read a good book, and give your body the resting time it requires after a long day. In a pleasant atmosphere, our bodies become at ease. Make your evenings comfortable, and you’ll find yourself falling asleep earlier and earlier with each passing day. Creating a cozy and calm environment in your bedroom might also help you sleep better.

Keep your blinds open

Wake your body up to natural sunlight. It suppresses the production of melatonin in our body indicating we are ready to tackle the day. Waking up to natural sunlight gives a good amount of vit D our body needs and reduces stress levels. Additionally, exposure to natural sunlight in the morning helps regulate our circadian rhythm, promoting better sleep patterns at night. This can result in improved overall mood and increased productivity throughout the day.

Instantly get out of bed as soon as you open your eyes

This will be harder for a few days to get out of our comfy bedsheets. But once you have resisted the urge to go back into bed, you will find yourself waking up naturally in the coming days. It may take some time for your body to adjust to the new routine, but maintaining consistency will help regulate your sleep schedule

Hope this post helps!

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