How to enjoy your own company?

A truly happy person is one who values his/her alone time and cherishes his/her own company. With the need of constant entertainment and connecting with people in this social media age makes it difficult to enjoy alone time. It becomes awkward and boring if you find yourself sitting alone at a restaurant eating a meal or even spending time alone with your own thoughts. Some people even have fear of being alone or spending time alone. However we cannot constantly surround ourself with people and expect personal growth at the same time. Finding comfort and solace in your own company is one of the key aspects of self care and personal growth. So here are some tips on how to enjoy your own company.

Find a hobby you love

To know what you love doing the most, you need to understand yourself first. What are your likes and dislikes? Try out a bunch of different things. Reading, Painting, playing guitar, writing etc. Its okay even if you don’t stick to one. Find your muse, find the spark which will make you happy. I found out I liked reading when I realized I could read for hours and not get tired. It made me happy to read books and get lost in them. So it is not necessary if you don’t know what your hobby is you can always try new things or maybe not stick to one. Who said a person is to have only one hobby!

Journal your thoughts

Journaling is talking to ourself. Journaling, writing down your thoughts is one of the best ways to declutter your mind. Penning down how are you feeling? What are your plans for the future makes it easier to understand ourselves better. Anxious thoughts? Write it down. Happy thoughts? Write it down. Sad thoughts? Write it down. Your half a problem is solved if you know how to put it in words. Remember to be kind to yourself when journaling. The world is already filled with people who are mean and cruel to you.

Solo travel

Solo travel is one of the best things you can do to enjoy your own company. It makes you more confident, secure and provides you with new experiences/life lessons. Travelling alone will make you realize things about yourself which you did not know about you. It gives a sense of responsibility and freedom. It does not matter how far you are traveling. Go ahead and plan a trip with yourself, away from all distractions.

Be your own best friend

Mel Robbins, the author of two sensational books-The 5 second rule and The High 5 Daily journal said- “No one’s coming…no is coming to save you, to push you, to tell you turn off the tv…” You got to be there for yourself. Pick yourself up when you are feeling down. Be your own best friend and save yourself from toxic people around you. Listen to your own needs. Talk to yourself. Find joy and happiness in doing things you like instead of searching for that happiness in other people and expecting other people to treat you in a certain way.

Take yourself out on a date.

Expectations only burden your own heart and no one else. Instead of waiting for the guy to ask you out or waiting for the girl to say yes. Go take yourself out on date. Buy that delicious meal which you always wanted to eat. Get out of your comfort zone, out of your home will give you a new perspective and a change of scene. The perfect date between you and your favorite food!

Hope this article helps you enjoy your own company and eases you into spending more alone time with yourself!

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