How to calm down anxiety

Being human has its pros and cons. Having emotions and feelings are part of our life journey. Anxiety is one of such emotion we face whenever we are in certain anxious situations. Though for some it might be calmer, it can be regressive for someone and difficult to get out of that space or feeling. Well, don’t worry, let me help you out with some techniques you can use to calm down your anxiety.


Meditation can be your safe place. Your own place to deal with the things society puts you on. Focusing all your attention to your breathing will help you to calm down your anxiety and reduce the anxious feeling you are feeling.

There is no doubt with daily practice of even 10 minutes meditation will do wonders for your anxiety and help to tame it down.

2.Go out for a walk/Leave the space

Leaving the room or going out for walk will help you to calm down those anxious thoughts running in your mind. A clean new view for your body and mind will help to get out of the uncomfortable and anxious situation you are in.

3.Distract yourself with your hobby

Doing the thing we love always boosts happy hormones in our body. We feel safe while doing our thing and our mind is also distracted with the activity. It will help you to reduce stress and focus on good and happy things.

4.Count backwards to calm down your anxiety

Pick out a number and start counting backward in your mind. This will help you to shift your focus and help to calm down anxiety. This exercise is great for relaxing your mind and shifting your anxious thoughts to relaxing thoughts.

5.Name your anxiety

This is one of the great techniques I acquired from Jay Shetty’s podcast with Mel Robbins. All you have to do is be cautious and catch your thoughts whenever you are anxious and name it and call it out. “Stop messing with my thoughts, Martin!” or “ Leave me alone, Martin” In this way you will trick your mind to realize it’s the other person making you feel such way and not you yourself.


Release that endorphins in your body with some yoga or workout session. Endorphins help to trigger positive feeling in your body and will help to take care of your anxious thoughts

7.Activate your nasal glands

Perfume yourself or perfume your room. Indulge yourself in your comfort smell. You comfort smell or fragrance activate good memories and happy hormones. This will help your brain to get into safe space and calm down your anxiety

8.Write it down

Write everything down. How are you feeling? What is it that you are worrying about. Write your heart out.90% of your problem is solved once you have managed to write it down. You will feel less burdened and anxious after this activity.

9.Talk to your loved ones

There is nothing more calmer than letting your feelings out to your loved ones. It will help you to load off your stress and they will help you to give a new perspective to deal with the anxious situation you are in.

10.Listen to music to calm down your anxiety

Listening to your favorite songs can help you to relax and drive your mind off. Many top of the game sportspersons, before their big match listen to music to take off the stress and calm their anxiety down.

Hope this post helps