Lessons from the Ikigai book

Ikigai book gained popularity and became an international bestseller because of its Japanese secrets, tips, and tricks to live a long and happy life. The writers of this book-Hector Carcia and Francesc Miralles visited the island, of Okinawa where for every 100,000 inhabitants there are 24.55 people above the age of 100. The key factors contributing to their longevity and subtle lifestyle are outdoor living, a healthy diet, a suitable climate, and green tea full of antioxidants. The islanders of Okinawa have a unique approach to life that has allowed them to live long and healthy lives. They spend a lot of time outdoors, engaging in physical activities like gardening and walking. Their diet is also an important factor in their longevity, as they consume a lot of vegetables, fish, and tofu. The climate on the island is also ideal for healthy living, with plenty of sunshine and fresh air. Additionally, green tea is a staple in their diet, providing them with antioxidants that help fight off disease and keep their bodies healthy. Overall, the lifestyle of the people of Okinawa serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to live a long and healthy life. 

What is Ikigai?

Ikigai is your reason to get out of bed every morning. Your purpose for life, the reason for your being. There is no retirement from your Ikigai. As long as your health allows, your Ikigai is the reason you live your life. The elements which complete or consist of your Ikigai are- What do you love the most doing? What does the world need? What you can be paid for? What you are good at? These four elements come together to form a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. For some, their Ikigai may be found in their career, while for others it may be found in hobbies or volunteer work. Regardless of where it is found, having a strong sense of Ikigai can lead to a more meaningful and satisfying life. It is important to regularly reflect on what brings you joy, what the world needs from you, what skills you possess, and how you can use those skills to make a living. By doing so, you can continually work towards aligning your passions with your purpose. Remember that your Ikigai may evolve over time as your interests and skills change, but the key is to always strive towards finding that sweet spot where your passions meet the needs of the world around you.   

How to age slowly?

As we age, humans tend to forget certain things easily or not remember certain places or names. Our body and mind are interlinked. Just like our body ages, our skin loses and our mind starts losing its capacity and capability. Hence to age slowly and live a long life taking care of your body as well as your mind is important. To give your brain a little workout, to keep it active, the writers here have mentioned mental exercise suggested by Israeli neuroscientist Shlomo Breznitz is to adapt to changes frequently. Our brains are programmed to go into autopilot mode once they adapted to routine. Routine is good, it is necessary but bombarding new information and new habits to the brain exposes it to new neuron connections and formations. Adapting to change can also improve our emotional resilience and ability to cope with stress. It allows us to approach challenges with a growth mindset, rather than feeling overwhelmed or defeated. So, whether it’s trying a new hobby, taking a different route to work, or learning a new language, embracing change can have numerous benefits for our brain health and overall well-being. 

What is logotherapy?

Viktor Frankl, a neurologist, and psychiatrist, established logotherapy, which is founded on the idea that a person’s main motivation is to discover meaning in their life. Greek term logos-meaning was used to develop the concept of logotherapy. Frankl’s theory is founded on the idea that a person’s search for meaning in life serves as their major source of motivation.

How to find flow while working and in your free time?

When a person is in their “zone,” as it is with high-performing athletes, flow occurs. You could be said to be in a state of flow when you are consistently doing something that you enjoy, are good at, and have the ability to provide value to other people’s lives. The endeavors that give your life meaning and direction—your Ikigai—may be seen in this case as being in sync with the flow. When you are completely absorbed in a task that you enjoy and are good at, you are in a state of flow. When you are in this state, time seems to fly by and you are totally absorbed in what you are doing. When you are in a state of flow, your work becomes effortless and you feel energized and fulfilled. This state of being can be attained in any meaningful endeavor, although it is frequently linked to creative endeavors like writing, painting, or music. You can access this state of flow more readily by coordinating your goals with your Ikigai, or the things that give your life meaning and direction. It feels easy and natural to act in accordance with your Ikigai, and the outcomes are frequently more rewarding. Finding your Ikigai can assist you in achieving a sense of flow in many areas of your life, whether it is through helping others, engaging in a hobby or passion project, or working towards a bigger objective.

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Secrets to Happiness and Longevity

Medical professionals concur that maintaining mental activity, a crucial component of Ikigai is the key to living longer. Many centenarians and super-centenarians attest to the fact that an active mind and a happy attitude keep us youthful, reduce worry and stress, and stabilize behavior. Below are some habits that can contribute to a happy and long life

  1. Meditation

The majority of health problems, including those that could cause rapid aging, are caused by stress. Due to the fact that most modern people spend the bulk of their time working and are continuously paying attention to notifications, our brain has developed an association between notification pings and predatory threats. Due to this biological fact, stress affects us hundreds of times per day and has a grave adverse impact on our health. Stress is reduced through meditation. Finding strategies to lessen stress is crucial, especially given the onslaught of messages we constantly get. It has been demonstrated that meditation is a powerful tool for reducing stress and fostering general well-being. Meditation has been shown to be an effective tool in combating stress and promoting overall well-being. We can educate our thoughts to be more resilient and less reactive to outside stimuli by spending a short period of time each day sitting quietly and concentrating on our breathing. This routine may result in better concentration, more restful sleep, and even a stronger immune system. Additionally, studies have shown that meditation reduces the signs of anxiety and sadness and increases emotions of happiness. Meditating can significantly improve our general health and happiness in a society where stress is all too common.

2. Mindful Eating

When eating mindfully, you take into account all aspects of the meal, including where the food comes from, how it was made, and who made it. With increased awareness and without passing judgment, mindful eating focuses on your eating experiences, bodily sensations, and thoughts and feelings related to food. When one practices mindful eating, they pay attention to how the food appears, tastes, smells, and feels in their bodies as they consume. They also acknowledge how their bodies feel after a meal.

3. Workout Regularly

One of the most crucial things you can do for your health is to exercise regularly. Physical activity can strengthen your bones and muscles, help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your ability to carry out daily tasks, and improve your cognitive health. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve mood and boost self-esteem. It can also help you manage stress by providing a healthy outlet for tension and promoting relaxation. When it comes to choosing an exercise routine, it’s important to find something that you enjoy and that fits into your schedule. Whether it’s going for a run, taking a yoga class or simply going for a walk, any form of physical activity can have a significant impact on your overall health and well-being. So why not make exercise a priority in your life today?

4. Good Sleep

A healthy sleep schedule is also essential for staying healthy. Getting adequate quality sleep each night can help you feel better mentally, have more energy, and even strengthen your immune system. It’s crucial to build a peaceful nighttime ritual and stick to a regular sleep schedule to make sure you’re receiving the finest possible sleep. This could be taking a warm bath, reading a book, or engaging in deep breathing or meditation techniques. Additionally, it’s critical to establish a relaxing sleeping environment by investing in a firm mattress and pillows and maintaining a cool, dark bedroom. By prioritizing good sleep habits, you can improve your overall health and well-being.

Hope this article helps!

Can being delusional help in Manifestation?

Manifestation, the process of bringing our desires into reality through focused thoughts and beliefs, has gained significant popularity in recent years. People have been exploring various techniques and philosophies to enhance their manifestation abilities, and one controversial notion that occasionally arises is the potential connection between being delusional and successful manifestation. Delusion, typically viewed as…

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How to audit your life

Life is a journey, a dynamic and ever-evolving adventure that requires periodic reflection and recalibration. Just like a successful business conducts regular audits to evaluate its operations and progress, a life audit allows us to take a step back, assess our goals, values, and aspirations, and make informed decisions to align our actions with our…

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