Wisdom Corner

  • Best Books by Agatha Christie

    Agatha Christie was known for her masterful mystery novels. Picking the best ones can be subjective, as different readers have varying tastes. Her works have captivated readers around the world with their intricate plots and clever twists. Christie’s iconic characters, such as Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, have become beloved figures in the literary world.…

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People book lessons

    Stephen Covey’s acclaimed book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is a timeless self-help guide that offers essential principles for both personal and professional effectiveness. With a focus on proactive behaviour, task prioritization, and fostering win-win relationships, Covey provides practical strategies for goal setting and achieving success across all areas of life. This influential…

  • How to do Monthly Reset

    Engaging in a monthly reset is an excellent strategy for initiating a new beginning, achieving set goals, and staying focused on your objectives and responsibilities. This practice empowers you to contemplate your advancements, recognize potential areas for growth, and establish fresh targets for the upcoming month. By dedicating time to reset, you can effectively prioritize…


Latest Comments

  1. Its really nice 😊 and positive vibes for self. I like mythology some of related i have already read but…